

“The Perceived Influence of Service-Learning on The Citizenship-Related Attitudes of Japanese Undergraduate Students”

The main aim of this study is to explore the perceptions of Japanese undergraduate students regarding the influence of a university’s service-learning programme on their citizenship-related attitudes, such as their personal development, their personal interest and responsibility, and their behavioural willingness to participate in philanthropic and political activities.


This dissertation explores the two main traditions of education for democratic active citizenship, English citizenship education and American service-learning, and presents a common critique for both approaches about the lack of political literacy aspects.


There has been a recent increase in attention to educational approaches regarding social participation in Japan and some universities have introduced service-learning programmes. Whilst some previous studies in the US have reported that service-learning can have a positive influence on the participants’ personal development, there are only a few studies regarding its influence on their philanthropic and political participation.


The main research question in this study is: How do Japanese undergraduates perceive the influence of service-learning on their attitudes after participating in the programme? The study focuses on a Japanese private university and the perception of undergraduate students who experienced service-learning in the last two years. Thirty-three students completed a questionnaire and five of these students were subsequently interviewed.


The findings indicate a low perceived influence of service-learning on the participants’ confidence in making a difference in society. Many students do, however, express a willingness to help others in difficulty, but their willingness to engage in political action is low.


This dissertation argues that service-learning programmes can be successful in raising participants’ awareness of their interest in community issues to some extent, but it might not be enough to empower them to take action based on social justice activism. This dissertation suggests that well-structured reflection to understand the root causes of community issues and constructive dialogue and deliberation on controversial issues are required.

自分のリサーチはあくまでもケーススタディで、論文に占める比重は、過去の文献研究(Literature Review)が大きいです。これまで行われてきた研究の中にあるギャップを自分なりに分析し、それを埋めるためのリサーチ・クエスチョンを立てて→結果をもとに議論を展開する、という流れです。